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La autora describe con gran sentido del humor las caracteristicas de las personas segun el signo solar al que pertenecen. Cada signo del zodiaco aparece retratado en sus aspectos positivos y negativos, con sus afinidades e incompatibilidades. Al estudiar los signos solares aprendera algo muy util e importante: como reconocer los suenos ocultos de las personas, sus esperanzas secretas, su verdadera naturaleza... Y el mundo se transformara cuando sea capaz de descubrir el arco iris que cada uno esconde tan celosamente. / Find out what's really happening in your life and the lives of those around you. Is he really unstable beneath that placid exterior Is she marrying you for your money alone When should you give a wayward spouse the benefit of the doubt How can you adjust your inner moods to your best advantage, knowing when to push and when to pull back, when to speak up and when to shut up What is the best time to ask your boss for that raise, your girl for her heart and hand, your brother-in-law for a loan Learn all this and much, much more from the world-famous astrologer who has helped millions divine their way to happiness, love, and profit by studying the sun signs.
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